




About us

The challenge of our time is characterised by various changes at social, ecological and societal level, changing markets and new technologies. We want to use this challenge with flexibility and independence as an oppurtunity for the further development of our company.

We are internationally active. For this reason, inter-regional thought and action are particularly important.

Our corporate principles represent an orientation framework for the future development of the company. They determine both, everyday work an strategic considerations within the company.

  • We focus our activities on the needs of our customers and the demands of the market.
  • We produce and market products of a reliable quality and with a high benefit to the user.
  • We concentrate our activities on those areas in which we have extensive competence, with the aim of being one of the leading international suppliers in these fields.
  • We act in an ecologically responsible manner to protect the environment and our natural resources.
  • We pursue open communication and reliable, long-term co-operation with our business partners.
  • We consider the qualification, commitment and performance of our employees to be the decisive factors of our success.
  • We profess fair, offensive competition.
  • We wish to make consistent profits, since this is a requisite for the long-term successful developement of the company.