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The history of our company - page 2

In 1735 a sale by auction was held, since the owner of that time was no longer able to pay the annual land tax of 200 Reichsthaler Courant. The miller Jürgen Neubauer from Wohltorf was the successful bidder and bought the mill with the adjoining buildings and grounds for 4.120 Reichsthaler Courant (value at that time was approx. 200 metric tons of rye).
The mill was a challenge for Jürgen Neubauer. He as well as the following generations faced difficulties, but also opportunities during the changes of the centuries. In 1769 against a fee of 30 Reichsthaler and 16 Schilling the undershot waterwheels were changed into uppershot waterwheels to optimize the use of waterpower. Due to the fact that this change made a higher stowing of the river "Glinder Au" necessary, disputes with the neighboring mill were caused and lasted for years. In 1810 the right of running a whiskey destillery was bought against an annual fee of 20 Reichsthaler from the Danish King Frederik VI. The right to brew beer was already owned by the mill at that time. Both rights were sold in 1870, the right to serve alcoholic beverages was given to the new established Neubauer roadhouse in 1904.
The situation for the mill was bad for decades. Due to the industrialization and the establishing of big milling companies the smaller mills were no longer competetive. In the years after World War I. the mill was modernized, the old waterwheels were replaced by turbines in 1920 and so the base for a new beginning was set.
In 1937 the milling of mica - today the most important product - was started. In 1959 the company Friedrich Geffers - an im- and exporting company for minerals established in 1903 - was taken over, for which company mica has been ground since 1937.
For many years large quantities of cacao shells were bought from chocolate companies to extract valuable parts of cacao fraction and cacao grus. Out of the raw materials cacao fat was pressed and by extraction Theobromin (a substance comparable to coffein) was won. The pure cacao shells were grinded and sold to manufacturers of mixed feed and producers of fertilizer. The processing of cacao shells has only a minor importance for the mill today.